Digital Portfolio: Myself & This Portfolio

My name is Matt Walker; I am in my junior year at North Carolina State University studying Communication Media. I have a passion for digital communication and have created this Digital Portfolio of my work. The passion I have for Communication Media was created partly by this portfolio, all the included work, and the motivation I had to complete the work. All included projects were assignments for a course I took at NC State in the fall of 2010, Communication 267: Electronic Media Writing: Theory and Practice. The course taught me essential media writing skills, the ability to analyze current media in a variety of forms from scripts to commercials to television productions, and basic audio and audiovisual production techniques. Included in this portfolio is a professional blog, an audiovisual project, and an audio project. The professional blog was written about college football, and summarized Atlantic Coast Conference play. The audiovisual project is a news report about the growth of the sport of lacrosse in the Raleigh, NC area. The audio project is a group project done by myself and four other classmates that is based on a type of dance called clogging. This class expanded my media writing skills vastly and introduced me to audiovisual and audio production. I hope to use what I learned in the course to find a job opportunity in radio production.